Traditional Chinese Gynecology

Unlock the full clinical potential of Chinese medicine by diagnosing, treating, and supporting female bodies in the spirit of classical Chinese medicine with authenticity, integrity, and efficacy.

  • “The beauty of Chinese medicine is found in its elegance, depth, and seeming simplicity. Once you have entered this world, it may look and feel natural and easy, like a dolphin’s swim or a Mongolian kid hanging upside down from a racing pony.

    Or, in my case, like making the perfect batch of goat cheese: A plain mixture of fresh goat milk, a few drops of rennet, and a tiny amount of starter culture.

    And yet, the end result depends on the goats’ diet and breed, reproductive stage, rumen health, temperature of the milk and air, length of fermentation, even the way you cut the curds, strain the whey, and fold in the salt. And then there is the magic: the ambient wild cultures in the kitchen and the love dedicated to this multi-day process…”


“My mom makes the best goat cheese this side of the Mississippi.”

— Momo Wilms-Crowe (Sabine’s daughter and NOT an objective voice)

upcoming course

Nurturing the Fetus
April 7-28, 2024



The Fetus

The Ten Months of Pregnancy

From the ancient Chinese classics to contemporary clinics