ABOUT this website


My name is Sabine Wilms, PhD, and my offerings here are the result of three decades of studying, reading, thinking, and writing about the female body in traditional Chinese gynecology. Ever since I started researching this topic for my doctoral dissertation on Sūn Sīmiǎo’s 孫思邈 “formulas for women” 婦人方, I have continuously been struck by the enormous potential of this material for contemporary clinical practice.

I am delighted to finally have a more public platform than just private courses and obscure blog posts for sharing my work. Stay tuned as this is a work in progress…

Sign up for my newsletter here or visit my main website at Happy Goat Productions to learn more about my work.

The value of collaboration

I have had the good fortune to teach this material in a variety of formats, from conference presentations to radio interviews to advanced multi-day workshops all over the world. I have also produced a number of videos and writings, from short blog posts to a monster book of almost 800 pages that could be used to knock an invading monster unconscious.

The main lesson I have learned from these experiences is the value of collaboration in our shared effort to build bridges: between disciplines like medicine, religion, and philosophy; between academia and clinical practice; between beginners and specialists; between China and the West; between the classical and our contemporary age; and between male and female perspectives.

One of my favorite courses has been a workshop on the “Ten Months of Pregnancy” that I taught for years with my dear friend Debra Betts, both online and in person in the US, in Europe, and in Australia. More recently, I have been working with another esteemed clinical colleague, Andrew Loosely, Lic.OHM, Dip.CH, DCHAc.(Beijing University), G.Q.A, and founder and director at Natural Fertility Expert. While I am the translator of this classical material, it is our shared hope that we can bring this material to you in a collaboration that bridges many of the divides mentioned above.

Meet the Humans

“I love all critters, including human ones.

Besides taming quail, walking my goats, and swimming with the seals and otters on my local beach, I write and translate, teach and study, and run my publishing company Happy Goat Productions.

Sometimes I miss my former life as a super busy university professor, but for the most part, I embrace my peace and quiet, enriched beyond my imagination by the connections with students and colleagues all over the world that ZOOM has made possible.

As a mother, biodynamic goat farmer, and person in a female body, I celebrate the power and magic of embodied reproduction, but also recognize the unique burdens of female generativity. I sincerely wish that my offerings can help you support your female patients, friends, clients, and relations and thereby make the world a healthier, happier, and more caring and loving place.”

— Sabine Wilms, PhD

“gynecology is for me one of the most exciting and important aspects of Chinese medicine.

To effectively practice it we must go to the source and study the Classics. There we find the truly holistic approach to healthcare and treatment for women, that goes beyond merely focusing on physical symptoms. Being attuned with the lunar cycle and following the daily, monthly, and yearly ebb and flow of Yin and Yang, women’s health is so much more than just the colour of menstruation, or having a 28 day cycle.

Having spent the past few years learning to read classical Chinese and working on gynecology translations with Sabine, I’ve realised just how relevant this information is to modern clinical practice today. Understanding this alignment with the cycles of Heaven and Earth allows us to support and help women overcome many of the common ailments that they face throughout their lives. Regardless of whether someone experiences emotional stress, heavy bleeding, abdominal pain during menstruation or problems conceiving or carrying a healthy baby, we can be there to help them find their way to a natural solution.”

— Andrew Loosely